Volumes in our kitchen

 Hello my chefs!

Today we continue to discover more about how we can find geometry in the kitchen at home, and this time from a new perspective through volumes, because when cooking, children can learn about volume and capacity by measuring liquids using a measuring cup where they can also learn about the different capacities that can be obtained from containers including how to fill them correctly.

By following a recipe, pupils can learn about the volume of ingredients to be used, such as learning how to fill a cup with flour, children can learn that a cup is a measure of volume, either for measuring liquid and dry ingredients, another way to learn the volumes of ingredients for a recipe can be to observe cooking: Children can learn about volume by observing how foods change in size during cooking. For example, they can notice how biscuits expand when baked due to the chemical reaction between ingredients.

They can also include simple experiments in the kitchen, such as filling different containers with the same amount of liquid and comparing the volumes. They can also experiment with different amounts of ingredients to see how it affects the final volume of the meal.

To conclude this area of knowledge children can learn about volume in the kitchen in many different ways. Practice and experimentation can be useful tools to help them better understand this important concept, so as future teachers we will have to be creative with our students.

See you soon!!😄
